Friday, January 14, 2011

You Are What You Do Everyday

I heard the saying “You are what you do everyday” and looked back on this past week that I have been unable to leave my apartment. I thought about what I have done with the time I’ve had here, and what I should be doing everyday to become who I am meant to be. Everything that is within me that I have been suppressing for far too long, parts of me that I put aside to take care of the day to day.

There is a dancer within me, so everyday I should let her dance. The musician should play, the singer should sing, the writer should write, and the lover should love. To be a student, I should study. To be fun loving and light hearted, I should play. If I want to be a person who touches lives, I must reach out.

Whatever it is within you that you want to be. Find a way to be that everyday, even in a small way. When you are walking a certain path, every step counts.

Love and Light :)

By the way, if you are wondering where I heard that saying, it was Keith Stallworth who plays Jacob in Step Up 3 (it’s in the DVD extras).

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