I was pondering the words, “I want someone who makes me feel the way music does.” It hit me with such a resonance, that I felt the need to understand what it is that music makes me feel and why. I have always thought of my experience with music as something ineffable, but today I am going to give it a try and see what happens.
Music has always made me feel less alone. It has reminded of the good times and helped me escape the not so great times. I have felt comforted and understood by the right song, at the right moment. Music does’t care what version of me I happen to be that day. It doesn’t care if I am mad, crazy, happy, sad, content, stuck in traffic, in love, frustrated, or emotional. It’s always there without any judgement. I can be exactly who I am with music, and it will always love me back. It is so incredibly important to me that I can always count on it, and I know that it will never leave me. Music is something that no matter what you put into it, it loves you back. It loves you back in the dance, it loves you back in the singing, the playing, or even in just the transcendental experience of the listening.
It is the sound of emotions. It helps you feel things that you may have been afraid to feel. It helps you see truth. It helps you see the world as you want it to be. Music can give you whatever you need, whenever you need it. It will cry with you, smile with you, laugh with you, and even scream when even you can’t. It can express what you are afraid to express, say what you are afraid to say, and encourage you to be what you are afraid to be.
Music adds flavor to the mundane moments, and emphasizes the more significant moments. It helps you remember what's forgotten, and it helps you forget what you don't want to remember. Loneliness fades. Anxiety falls away. Emotions demand to be felt. Most importantly, it's okay. Whatever you're feeling, it's okay. There will always be a song to help you feel what you need to feel, to help you get through what you need to get through, and to help you rise above whatever needs to be risen above. It can come from a really deep place, and touch a soul in that same deep place. You can connect to it.

There is love, healing, joy and companionship in the music. The possibilities are endless. There is no limit to music. With as much music that already exists, there is still so much more to be created. There are so many ways to coexist with and experience music that you will never be bored. There is always something new to do, hear, learn, and create.